with product research tool for Product Managers, Analysts, UX-designers, and everyone involved in creating their mobile products and testing hypotheses
Get a collected whole web2app map with all screens and flows
Get a collected whole app map with all screens and flows
charting your path to the Stars
Use Flowriver editor or export flow in preferred way
Flow changes
App description changes
Screenshots in Store changes
Keep track of updates and understand how they evolve. We understand EXACTLY what has changed. Now you don't have to manually search for differences. Our system highlights all changes, both within the app and on the store page.
Learn how competitors communicate with users and adopt best practices to improve activation and enhance resolution.
We analyze all user reviews and show you the most common pain points of the audience.
Insert the link to the app on Google Play and receive a detailed report:
Focus on
what matters:
test and apply the best practices from top products to achieve success
iOS mapping
We are already working on the capability to parse screen flows in iOS applications. Soon, this tool will work as well as the parsing of Android applications.
The ability to view average market conversion rates for sections and individual screens across similar products.
Actionable recommendations
Receive specific product recommendations on how to modify the screen to increase conversion based on data from products in your niche.
Let's Flowrive together!
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